Good On International / 香港のグッドオンファミリー、 Simple Legend ShopのBrianさんが久々の来日!
現在、アジア、ヨーロッパを中心に世界各地に展開しているGood Onですが、中でも熱心なユーザーを多く持つのが香港です。
今回、そんな香港におけるGood OnのキーパーソンであるBrianさんがコロナ禍を乗り越えて数年ぶりに来日。
誰よりも熱心なGood Onのユーザーであり、日本の文化が大好き。陽気で親しみやすい人柄で、香港のGood Onユーザーのリーダー的存在にもなっている彼の久々の来社に密着しつつお話を伺ってきました。
昨年6月にリモートで敢行したインタビュー Good On People Vol.7 Brian Yeung を未読の方は、ぜひ合わせてご覧になってみてください。
Brian Yeung
Simple Legend Shop-取社商店- オーナー
IG : @simple_legend_shop
What’s your purpose for this time visiting in Japan?
日本ではコロナで苦しんでいるような雰囲気を感じることなく、皆さんがそれぞれの生活を取り戻して楽しんでいる様子を見ることができ、私も楽しい時間を過ごせています。こうしてGood Onの皆さんとも会うことができて本当に嬉しいです。
Well, I could come to Japan after 3 years finally and this time purpose of visiting is having the meeting with some suppliers includes you guys. During my stay is hard schedule though, I’m very relaxed and enjoyed staying in Japan.
I feel Japanese people have got the normal life as like before covid already. Everybody enjoy their life and it makes me happy and that’s why I can enjoy the staying for this time.
Anyway I’m very happy to see you team Good On again.
Q_久しぶりにGood On -Flagship shop-を訪れてみてどんな印象ですか?
What’s your impression to visit Good On -Flagship shop?
I’m very impressed and influenced by the particular about your displays and atmosphere.
I would try to use it to reference in my shop as well.
Q_現在、香港でのGood Onの様子はどうですか?
How is the trend of Good On in Hong Kong recently?
ですが最近では新しいお客様も増えていて、Good Onの知名度も更に上がっていっています。
Good Onの商品と言えば品質が高い、という認識が広がっていますね。
皆さんと協力し合って、近いうちにぜひPOP UPなどのイベントの開催を実現させ、香港でも更にGood Onを盛り上げていきたいですね。
In these years the sales was going down actually because of several things happened in Hong Kong, so a lot of Hong Kong people includes our friends or our customers moved away abroad.
But we’ve got the new customers recently and the levels of familiarity of Good On is increased.
It’s spreading the recognition that Good On products are high quality to Hong Kong people.
We would like to make Good On gets more popularity by our strong cooperation with you to hold any POP UP Events in Hong Kong.
Do you have any message for those who read your blog?
そういった面でもGood Onの商品は価値のある物なんです。
I think it would be the thing which is more important that to take good care of things in our life.
So hope you to consider to buy the things you really need or it should be with you. If you are not sure that you need or not, please don’t buy it and it’s better to go buying after considering.
Good On products is the worthy things in those points of view.
ショールームでの対談やGood On -Flagship shop-の紹介など、BrianさんのGood On愛をすごく感じました。
前編: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CpmWYwtryBS/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
■Simple Legend Shop-取社商店-
Address:G/F, No.20 Cheung Hong Street, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong
Phone number : 852 6255 8838
■Simple Legend Shop-取社商店- 分店
Address:G/F, No.8 Boundary Street, Price Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Copyrights © BE-GOOD CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.