Good On People Vol.7 Brian Yeung
- Special Feature / 特集
- Good On People / グッドオンピープル
長い歴史の中でGood Onと深く関わるキーパーソンたちはどのように人生を“経年変化”させてきたのか。
その人物とGood Onとの繋がりを読み解く連載企画Good On People。
第7回目は、香港でGood On製品を豊富に取り扱うセレクトショップを運営されているBrianさんにインタビュー。
お店を始める前、会社員だった頃から熱心なGood Onユーザーであり、その後脱サラして手掛けてられているショップは今や多くのファンに愛される人気店となっています。
今回は、香港におけるGood Onのアイコン的人物でもある彼に、その裏側やこだわりについて、更に現在の香港のファッションシーンについても詳しくお話を伺いました。

#07_Brian Yeung
Simple Legend Shop-取社商店- オーナー
IG : @simple_legend_shop
■Simple Legend Shop-取社商店-
Address:G/F, No.20 Cheung Hong Street, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong
Phone number : 852 6255 8838
■Simple Legend Shop-取社商店- 分店
Address:G/F, No.8 Boundary Street, Price Edward, Kowloon, Hong Kong

When did you start your own shop? Also we would like to know the background how you started your shops.
I worked at the logistics company which handled any computers or cell phones like electronic stuffs from over 30 years ago. I was marketing sales representative and the main clients were Chinese company.
It was very busy everyday.. Even my day off, suddnly be called up from the customs or any clients in 24 hours. No time for my self and No relaxing time everyday.. That life style made me so tired. Stressed out from the work, I was drinking everyday… It was awful… My wife complained me everyday.
I felt big stresses and pressures everyday. But I had a dream.
I was interested in Fashions especially Japanese clothes and styles generally, so I decided to have my own clothing shop in 2017. Actually my wife had started her own small women’s clothing shop at that time, I added men’s clothing to her shop and restarted our new shop. At the beginning, the business was unstable, therefore In the daytime, I kept work at the logistics company and in the evening, worked at the shop. 2 years later, in 2019 finally I quited the company job.

Please let us know the shop’s concepts, customer targets, items / brands you carry.
ですから私のショップでは、ハイファッションでもトレンドファッションでもない、高品質でカジュアルな日本製の服を幅広い世代の男女に提案していて、Good Onの商品をメインに、その他日本のベーシックなブランドを中心に扱っています。
Good Onも含め日本製の商品は決して安くはないですが、価格に見合うクオリティーなので、受け入れてくれる人も多いです。
I like Japanese clothing , especially made in japan products. Because they are high quality. I like to wear casual items for daily, such as the T-Shirt, Sweater, Chino, Cargo Pant….etc. because I don’t need thinking too much about the outfit before go out. So, my shop provides casual japan made wear no high fashion or trendy clothes for all ages of men & women.
On the other hand, I want everybody can enjoy the shopping in my shop like they can feel shopping in Japan, so we set the Hong Kong retail price which is not big differences from Japanese retail price. Japanese products includes Good On are not cheap. But there are many customers who can accept the price of Japanese products because they are high quality.

Please let us know what kind of Fashion or style you like and the coordinates what you like.
そう、基本はGood Onなどのデイリーウェアに、ヴィンテージや古着をMIXするスタイルが多いですね。
I love casual clothes. When I worked at the logistic company, I wore Jacket, Pants and tie everyday but now, casual is the best for me. because I can feel relax. Everyday same style, even on and off. but sometimes I like to wear Jacket and ties or bowties like Ivy style. yeah.. Basically I love to mix up vintage or second hand clothes with daily brands as like Good On.

Q_Good Onの取り扱いはどのような経緯で始まったのですか? 取り引きはオープン当初からですか?
When did you become the retailer of Good on and how? Could you tell us the back ground of how you become?
恐らく2012年だったと思いますが、東京に旅行に行った時に初めてOSHMAN’Sの店舗で購入した1枚のGood OnのTシャツに魅了されて以来、日本に行くたびにGood Onの取り扱い店に立ち寄って、商品を購入していたんです。
初めて購入したそのTシャツが、Heavy Jersey SS Raglan Pocket TeeのP-Navyです。
あと、実は2015年頃に一度、アポイントを取らず突然Good Onのオフィスに伺った事がありました。恵比寿のオフィスをお店と勘違いして行ってしまったんです(笑)。
その後自分でお店を出すと決めた時に、是非Good Onを取り扱いたいと思い、Good Onにメールで問い合わせして、展示会に伺いました。
確かGood Onが20周年の年で、とある合同展示会に出店されていた際に伺ったのが最初で、その後も何度か展示会に足を運びました。
当時香港には別のGood Onの販売店があることは知っていたので、承認されるのは難しいと思ってはいましたが、Good Onに対する情熱が伝わったのか、ようやく了承をもらうことができ、それから取り扱いが始まりました。
I bought my first Good On tee in Y2012 when I was going to Tokyo travel. I bought it in OSHMAN’S. Since I was fascinated that -shirt, I bought many Good On products when I went to Japan always.
The T-Shirt I bought in first time was 9oz Heavy Raglan pocket tee in P-navy. It was new, but it seemed like Used or Vintage. I was really surprised and fascinated by this t-shirt… And now I still love to wear it. It color offs and become like beautiful light grey color.
Actually we had visited Good On’s office suddenly. Maybe in 2015 around. I missed understanding that it was Good On official shop. After that, When I decided to start my shop, I inquired by e-mail to ask to become stock list in Hong Kong. Then we also joined the exhibition for buyers sometimes. I knew that there were official retailers in Hong Kong at that time, so I thought it was difficult to be approved to become the retailer of Good On. I’m not sure but my passions for Good On might be accepted by Good On, finally I could become the official retailer.
How the Japanese fashions or brands are accepted by Hong Kong people?
Good Onの製品もそうですが、実際に手にした時、着た時に明らかに違いがわかるんです。それはおそらく生地や縫製、パターンなどに拘っていているから、長く愛用する事ができるという安心に繋がります。
My personal opinion, It’s quality. Hong Kong people normally trust the Japanese products. Especially If it is made in japan.
We trust Japanese quality is the best in the world. When you get it or when you wear it, you can feel the differences obviously, Good On products as well. High quality fabrics, sewings & Patterns are the reason to become wearability for a long time. Also Japanese & Hong Kong people are same body size (tall, weight…etc…) So the fit is very much perfectly. And Hong Kong people love to read Japanese fashion magazine as well.

Q_香港のGood Onのユーザーはどういった人が多いですか?また、どのようなきっかけでGood Onを知って下さるのでしょうか?
We would like to know what kind of people is the users of Good On in Hong Kong. And How do they know about Good On?
皆さんGood Onを一度着てみるとハマってしまい、奥様やご両親、子供など、ご家族や友達に贈り物としてご購入されるケースも多いです。Good Onの着心地や長く着られる耐久性は誰にでもすぐ伝わるんです。
特に定番の5.5oz JerseyのCrew Neck Teeなどは、男女問わずおすすめできます。着る人を選ばないので幅広い年齢層の方々に支持されていますね。
例えば夏になると、”ベストTシャツ”などを検索してGood Onに興味を持ってくださり、初めてお店に来てくれるお客様もいらっしゃいます。
また、香港の雑誌やTVで紹介されたことがきっかけで知っていただく事もあります。私はいつもGood Onを着てお店に立っているのですが、これも重要なことで、来ていただいたお客様にGood Onのコーディネイトサンプルとして提案できたり、長年着た製品を実際に見ていただく事で、そのクオリティーや経年変化について知っていただくと同時に、Good Onの歴史やストーリーをしっかり伝えるようにしています。
It is very wide. 5 -70 years old people is Good On users in my shop though, Normally 20-55 years old is our main consumer range.
If they try to wear Good On one time, they love into.
And they recommend Good On to their friends or family. There are many people choose Good On for the gift as well. Good feel when wearing and durability of Good On can be felt everyone. Especially basic 5.5oz jersey crew neck tee, I can recommend to every men & women. Very wide rage of the generation can choose it.
Normally people get to know my shop through Google search or Instagram etc. In Summer time, people search like “Best T-Shirt” and find Good On and then come to my shop for example.
Also some customer get to know via Hong Kong magazines or TV show which introduced my shop. I always wear Good On when I’m in the shop. This is also very important because I can offer the style sample showing my coordinates and it helps us to be understood the Good On qualities and history from the customer actually.

Q_Good Onが香港の方々に受け入れられている最大の理由は何だと思いますか?
What do you think the reason why Good On products able to be accepted by Hong Kong People?
しかし、香港でGood Onのような製品を他に見つけるのは難しいんです。
それがGood Onが香港の人に受け入れられている理由だと思います。
特に生地に拘る人は多いかもしれません。どこの国で作られた生地なのか、私のお店でも多くのお客様から聞かれます。Good Onは触って、着てもらうことで、生地の素晴らしさが伝わりやすいんだと思いますね。
また、Good Onにはとても沢山のカラーバリエーションがあるので、お客様は毎年好きな色を選ぶ事ができます。
Good On=高品質でシンプルなデイリーウェアということが、香港でも徐々に認知されてきていると思います。
Hong Kong people likes high quality products and hope the clothes can be worn for a long time because of the view of Eco-Friendly or sustainability. But it is little bit difficult to find those kinds of high quality wear in Hong Kong. I think that is why Good On to be accepted by Hong Kong people.
Many customer ask me where this fabric is made in at my shop. I think that Hong Kong people thinks fabric is very important component of the clothes. Good On fabric is very easy to be understood the quality for people.
Also Good On’s color variation is important factor as well. Customer can choose the color they like to wear every year. Pigment color is very popular. people enjoy the color differences repeating worn and washing.
Good On = High Quality daily wear, this is getting accepted in Hong Kong as well.
Q_Brianさん自身が感じているGood Onの魅力や気に入っている点についても教えてください。
Please let us know the points of what you like and attractiveness of Good On.
やはりGood Onのクオリティーが大変気に入っています。USAコットンを使った日本製だからですね。
I love Good On Quality because USA cotton and made in Japan. It can wore or lasting long time.On the other hand, the dyeing is the best and amazing, especially Pigment Dye, many many color can choice every year and the color become difference after wore and washing.

Q_Good Onの商品で、香港で特に人気の商品、人気の色などがあれば教えてください。
Please let us know the popular items and the colors especially of Good On in Hong Kong.
Good Onのインディゴシェイブの色合いは独特で、すごく美しいので皆さん魅了されます。
反対にGood On特有の幅広いカラー展開に魅了されて複数色を買い足していくお客様も多くいらっしゃいます。
一番人気のアイテムはやはり5.5oz Jerseyの SS Crew Tee。これは年齢・性別問わず、様々な人に選ばれるからです。
次いで9oz HeavyのSS Raglan Pocket Teeですね。これは男性のお客様がまず手に取る事が多いアイテムです。やはりこのヘビーオンスは男性は皆さん好きですね。あと最近のアイテムではOrganic Teeも好評ですよ。
秋冬ですとRaglan Crew SweatがNo.1ですかね。これは9oz French Terryが香港の秋冬の気温にすごく適しているからだと思います。これもまた毎年違うカラーを買われる方が多いアイテムです。
Indigo Shave is the no. 1 popular color in my shop. It is sold out every time and every products. P-Navy is also popular but Indigo is the best anyway. The color of Indigo shave is very beautiful, everyone like it.
No.2 popular col is white maybe. because everyone needs white T-Shirt all seasons. It depends on the customer though, basically Hong Kong men like to choose basic color as like not highlighted color. But instead of that, some customers really like to choose highlighted unique colors of Good On.
Of course there are some trend colors which sell well every year, but I think it’s not big changed every year.
No. 1 popular item is 5.5oz Crew tee. Because this is chosen by every ages, men & women various people.
no.2 popular one is 9oz Heavy raglan pocket tee. This is chosen by Men’s customer. every men like this 9oz heavy fabric. also in the recent items, Organic tee is very popular.
As you know, Hong Kong is very hot city. over half of the year is 30 degree over. That’s why people love to buy new color T-shirt every year. In FW season, Raglan Crew Sweat Shirt is the no.1. because 9oz French terry is fit to temperature of FW in Hong Kong. This one is also have many repeaters who buy different colors every year.
Q_Brianさん自身のGood Onで特に愛用している商品や気に入っている商品、色などがあれば教えてください。
Please let us know your all time favorite items / colors of Good On.
私は日頃からGood Onの製品を身に着けていますが、その中でも多いのがHenley Tee、9ozのRaglan Pocket TeeやSweat Shortsなど。
ただ一番のお気に入りを上げるなら、別注でオーダーした9oz Set in sleeve Pocket Teeのインディゴシェイブですね。私のお店で初めて別注をかけた商品なのでとても気に入っています。
あと、最近のお気に入りはOrganic Teeです。すごく着心地が良くて愛用しています。
当たり前ですが、今では何着持っているかわからないほどGood Onの服があります。奥さんに持ちすぎだって怒られるくらいです(笑)。
I like Indigo Shaved, P-Navy & P-Natural in good on’s color. I choice good on item for daily, sometime Henley neck tee, Sometimes 9oz raglan pocket tee and sometime sweat shorts.
But let me choice, the no. 1 signature item for me is 9oz raglan set in sleeve pocket tee indigo shaved, because it is my shop first time exclusive item.
Q_お店でGood Onを販売する時に、意識している事などはありますか?
Please let us know what you focus on when you see and deal with your clients, customers at your stores if you have.
お店で発信するInstagramなどでは、様々な体系の人たちをモデルにしています。細身の方、ふくよかな方、背の高い方や低い方、年齢層も幅広い方をモデルにしてGood Onの世界観を表現し、全世代、全ての人たちへ向けて発信しています。
Firstly I ask to the customer that what kind of fabric or styles they are looking for or hearing their favorite color, I show the items what I have worn actually for their references. It helps them to find their favorite one. For the displays, I make it very simply focus on just easy for customers can pick up.
For our Instagram post, I focus to use many kinds of figure Models, also wide range ages to make the world view of Good On to transmit for every generation, every people.

Are there many people who use social media to get the information about the fashion in Hong Kong? Is social media popular among the Hong Kong people?
Hong Kong people is watching the social media everyday. The range of the people who on social media is from 15-70years old. Especially 15-50years old people like to check about the fashions on it. (IG, FB……etc…), they search the styles, brands, products and follow or refer to their styles. Regarding the Fashions, Instagram or WEAR app is popular. YouTube is also popular app but I think there is no people to check about the Fashion on YouTube in Hong Kong.

Q_2022年4月現在、香港のファッション・アパレル業界の状況はどうですか? またコロナ禍で市場はどう変化していますか?
In Regards the situation of the market and the industrial of fashion in Hong Kong now also what was changed in Hong Kong market due to pandemic .
The situation is very critical and hard in COVID-19, many many order/instruction from Hong Kong government everyday and always change. Sometimes shut down public facility, restaurant, cinema…….etc. It is also make the fashion market and industrial become worse. It is hard to return to normal/better in short time though, we hope the end on Y2022 should be better. Everybody want to save the money, won’t shopping or investment at this moment. But after we re-open the shops in these weeks, Many customers come to and I feel the normal life is getting back little by little. Also we could organize the various events or markets on weekend at second floor in Kowloon shop.

Q_今後Good Onに期待することがあればぜひ聞かせてください。
Do you have any expectation things for Good On in the future?
お店としては9oz Heavy Jerseyで何か作りたいです。妻のアイデアですが、Heavy oz Jerseyのレディースのワンピースなどは香港の女性には受け入れられると思います。
Good OnのOrganic Teeはすごく評判が良いので、香港で人気の高いHenley Teeをオーガニックで別注もいいですね。
あとは別注カラーで、Pigment Simple Legendという色が作れたら嬉しいです。過去に製作されていたP-Marine Blueのような綺麗なブルーカラーのイメージでできれば良いですね。
We want to make exclusive item in 9oz heavy jersey. This is my wife’s idea though, We think women’s one piece in 9oz heavy jersey is well accepted in Hong Kong women’s.
As Good On Organic tee has very good reactions from the customer and because Hong Kong people really like Henley neck style so Henley neck tee in organic is also good. And we want to make exclusive color P-Simple Legend is nice. My image, beautiful blue color as like P-Marine blue.

What is the future outlook of you and your shops?
I just hope stable for my both shop anyway. I believe stable is better than develop at this moment, because everything is out of control under COVID-19.We are facing COVID-19 critical situation in Hong Kong, everybody is unhappy.
I believe everybody just want health and happy right now. please let me mention here (香港人加油 !)
We are also very worry about the war in Ukraine, we hope peace and strong in the world. NO WAR please!
By the way, after the situation is settle down. I would like to set up an exhibition in my shop for introduce my shops product. and i would like to invite Japanese supplier come and joint together. Because we are long time no see.

Please let us know if there are any trends in Hong Kong.
Camping is popular in Hong Kong recently. No body can go to travel in COVID-19 though, many many people like to go camping or car camping now.
Outdoor gear and clothes are also popular and getting bigger market in Hong Kong. Even not only when go to camping, they wear those Outdoor clothes and stuffs in their regular life as well. Also off road / camping style car is popular.

今回は、もともとはユーザーの一人としてGood Onの製品に惚れ込み、ついに自分のお店をオープンさせてTeam Good Onの一員となったBrianさんにスポットを当て、その熱い人柄と香港でのGood On事情についてお話を伺いました。
Address: 天后電氣道124號榮華大廈地鋪
Phone: 28898366
Address: 元朗建業街88號仁義大廈地下D舖
Phone: 24748849
Address: 九龍城打鼓嶺道33-35號地舖
Phone: 23821882
Address: 長沙灣青山道314號地下
Phone: 27256386
Address: 大坑施弼街5號側
Phone: 25773117
Address: 上環荷李活道200號J-K舖
Phone: 25468947
Address: 九龍城侯王道85-87號地下
Phone: 23821788

Text : Yosuke Niwa(Good On)
Interpreter : Shigeyuki Nomura(Good On)
Copyrights © BE-GOOD CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.