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Good On International / フランスのグッドオンディーラー”Royal Cheese”来日インタビュー!

  • Special Feature / 特集
  • Good On International / グッドオンインターナショナル

この数年でGood Onの知名度と人気が飛躍的に高まり続けているフランスにおいて、国内で最初期から取り扱いを開始し、Good Onブランドとユーザーの架け橋として重要なポジションを確立してきたショップ“Royal Cheese”。

(右) Royal Cheeseオーナー:Catherine Yousfi
(左) Royal Cheese/Paris 3e – Shoes ショップマネージャー:Thomas Ballester
・Royal Cheese
1998年にパリで創業し、現在は市内で3店舗を展開。時代を越えて価値が受け継がれてきた高品質のブランドを独占的に取り扱い、何にでも合わせされるタイムレスなベーシックアイテムを確かな審美眼でセレクトし提供し続けている。オーナーのCatherineさんのご主人はパリでショールームを運営し、REDWINGやGood Onをはじめとする世界各地のブランドの代理店(エージェント)を務めている。
IG: @royalcheeseparis


Please tell us that your purpose of visiting Japan in this time.

そしてもちろん、あなた方“Good On”のオフィスや店舗を訪れる事も目的の一つでした。

We have visited Tokyo for our vacation with some business meetings and researches in this time.
We have been to seen around some trade show and had a meeting with the shoes maker which is that we are going to carry to our store from next fall & Winter season. It was well done.
In addition, of course it is one of the big purpose to see you Good On team and visit to your showroom and shop as well.
It was possible to get just few information about the brand or cultures of Japan about 15 – 20 years ago, but as it is possible to get any information that we want to know on the internet now, we have many places where we would like to visit.  So we walk around the city very much in this time.


How do you feel about Tokyo after a long time?

渋谷に新しいビルがたくさん建っていたり、MIYASHITA PARKなどの興味深いショッピングエリアがたくさんできていたりと、以前とはすごく変わった感じがします。 前回訪れた際はクリスマスの時期だったので、都内はどこも非常に賑わっていて忙しなかったのですが、今回は街の雰囲気も落ち着いていて、リラックスして東京を満喫することができています。

It is built a lot of new buildings in Shibuya, and there are some brand-new area where we have interested in like MITASHITA PARK.  So we feel that it has been changed very much compare to before.
It was a Christmas season when we visited in last time, there were so many people in everywhere in the city and it felt us very busy. But it’s very calm of the atmosphere in the city in this time, we can feel very relaxing and enjoying the ordinary stay in Tokyo.

Q_Good On -Flagship shop-を初めて訪れてみてどんな印象ですか?

Could you tell us your impressions about our shop?

こだわった陳列やディスプレイなどにより、Good Onならではのカラーバリエーションがとても綺麗で見やすいと思いました。
店内のウッドの使い方がすごく良いですね。Good Onの商品とよく調和し、ブランドの雰囲気を引き立てています。 外のウッドデッキも居心地が良くて気持ち良いです。丈夫で良いウッドを使っていますね。

It is very comfortable to check the collections and color variations with your particular display. 
Also it is very good that how to be used wood decoration in the store. It is very much with the products of Good On and it makes very good atmosphere of the Brand.

Q_現在、フランスでGood Onはどのように展開され、フランスの方々にどのように受け入れられているのでしょうか。

How is the reputation of Good On in France?

去年の夏は暑かったので、Tシャツに合わせてショーツも買ってくださる方が多く、とてもよく売れましたね。パリでもGood Onを着ている人を本当によく見かけるので、多くの人が何枚も持っていて愛用してくれているのだと思います。
私の主人はGood Onの代理店をさせてもらっていて、彼も意欲的にGood Onを国内に広めており、今ではフランス中で高い人気を得ています。
単なるTシャツブランドではなく、パンツやスウェットなども含めて人気の高い、優れたカットソーブランドとしての認識が国内で確立されてきたと感じています。 顔料染めの服はフランスではなかなか手に入らないですし、日本製の服は高価ですが、Good Onはそれに見合う価値があります。
Good Onは日本では2世代に渡って愛用される歴史のあるブランドですが、我々のお店も同じで、98年に小さなお店から始め、今では店舗も増えて大きくなりましたが、今でも初期の頃からの常連客がたくさん来てくれています。
その子供たちは親が私たちの店で買った服を借りたり譲り受けたりして愛用してくれていて、世代をまたいで利用してくれているんです。 そのようにGood Onがフランスでも長く愛されて根付いていくことを楽しみにしています。

There are so many repeaters and it is often that the person come again to buy the other color if they had bought it one time before. Those customers buy about 4 or 5 pcs at one time in a regularly.
It was sold very well that there were many customers who bought T-shirts and some shorts because it was pretty hot in the last summer in Paris.
As we see the people who wear Good On very often in the city, it is loved by a lot of French people. It is very sell well of the T-shirts even in the winter season because of people can choose it for the Christmas gift.
My husband is doing the showroom in Paris and representing Good On to the various kinds of retailers in France.
He has a passionately develop the market for Good On in France and now it is getting very good reputation.
It is established the recognition in France that Good On is the brand which has high quality whole of garments with cut-sewn what is like not only T-shirt.
It is hard to get the garments pigment dyed in France and Good On is worth it even the Garments made in Japan are expensive though.
As Good On is the brand which has been loved by the two generations and long histories, we are also the store which has long history and many customers have been to the store from the beginning in 1998.
Now most of those customers have children who borrow to wear the clothes which were bought at Royal Cheese from their parents as like two generations same as Good On. We expect that Good On would be loved by French people for a long time.


It had to us that we had knew each other before actually.

そうですね、昔、20年くらい前に日本の雑誌を見ていてGood Onを見つけ、一度オーダーしたことがありました。その頃はネットが無かったので、FAXでやり取りをしましたね。

Yes, We had order the T-shirts to you once before around 20 years ago. We found Good On from the Japanese fashion magazine and ordered via FAX suddenly because there was no internet and emails.
It was just one time deal at that time but it is wonderful to work with you again because of we have been running our own business each other since we had contact in many years ago.


In the end, could you leave us the message if you have?

私たちはGood Onを筆頭に、様々な優れたブランドをセレクトしており、自信を持って皆さんのご来店をお待ちしています。
先ほどGood Onのショールームを訪れた際に、展示されていたアーカイブの中からとても良いカラーを見つけることができたので、今後Royal Cheeseでしか出会えない別注カラーとして展開できればと考えています。

We carry a various awesome brands which includes Good On. We are waiting for you guys to visit our stores with the confidence to make you satisfied.
In addition, We have found very good rare colors from the archive samples at Good On’s showroom, we are planning to make those colors in our exclusive color which you can see at only in Royal Cheese.
We are very welcome Japanese people to Paris and Our stores.

遠く離れた国で製品を愛用し期待して注目してくださっている方々に想いを馳せつつ、Good Onチーム一同これからもますます気を引き締めて頑張っていこうと想いを強めた一日となりました。


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